Kagura Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

Kagura Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

This article will guide you with the best builds, Emblem Sets and Battle Spells of Kagura in Mobile Legends(Mlbb). Also, here, you will find the Skills, Combo and Skins of Kagura in MLBB. So, let us continue.

About Kagura

Hero ClassMage
Recommended LaneMid Lane
Control EffectMedium
How to unlockPurchase with 32000 Gold or 599 Diamonds
Kagura Skill Combos in Mlbb
Use your 1st skill to hit the enemy, and use your ult to refresh your 1st skill quickly and deal damage again. Then, use your 2nd skill to teleport to your umbrella, stunning the enemies. After that, use your ultimate again, which again deals whopping damage. Then you can use her 2nd skill to run away easily.
Use your 1st skill to hit the enemy. Teleport to your umbrella stunning them. Use your ultimate to push and deal damage to the enemies. The escape using your 2nd skill. You will then use your ultimate again to pull the enemy and deal damage using 1st skill.

Kagura’s Skills & Abilities

Passive Skill: Yin Yang Gathering
Passive Skill: Yin Yang Gathering
– Upon retrieving the Seimei Umbrella, Kagura gains a 280 (+50% Total Magic Power) shield, stuns nearby enemies for 0.5s, and slows them by 60% for 1s. Cooldown 4.5s.
Skill 1st: Seimei Umbrella Open
Skill 1st: Seimei Umbrella Open
– She sends the Seimei Umbrella to the target location, dealing 315 (+105% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in its path and slowing them by 60% for 0.5s. The Umbrella will automatically return to Kagura when she is too far away.
Skill 2nd: Rasho Umbrella Flee
Skill 2nd: Rasho Umbrella Flee
– Kagura removes all debuff on her and leaps in the target direction while leaving the Seimei Umbrella behind.
Skill 3rd: Yin Yang Overturn
Skill 3rd: Yin Yang Overturn
– She invokes the power of the Seimei Umbrella, dealing 330 (+105% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back, and slowing them by 60% for 0.5s.

Recommended Kagura’s Battle Spells

kagura best spell
She sometimes cannot one-shot enemies, so the spell execute spell works well with her. But you can also use Flicker for more surprise combos.

Recommended Kagura’s Emblem Build

As an ideal emblem set for Kagura, you must use the custom magic emblem with talents rupture, bargain hunter and lethal ignition.

kagura best emblem mobile legends
Emblem Attributes & Stats
+30 Magic Power
+5% CD Reduction
+8 Magic Penetration

Recommended Kagura’s Item Builds

Note:- Kagura is also a burst damage mage. So, her build contains core items like the clock of destiny, lightning truncheon and a genius wand. You can also add other magic items like divine glaive and holy Crystal.

So, Firstly, here are the ideal Mobile Legends(MLBB) items/equipment set for the Kagura Burst damage build:

Items Set
Kagura burst dps build mobile legends
Arcane Boots>Clock of Destiny>Lightning Truncheon>Genius Wand>Divine Glaive>Holy Crystal
Total Stats of Burst DMG Build
+40 Movement Speed
+20 Magic Penetration
+370 Magic Power
+500 HP
+1000 Mana
+40% Magic Penetration
+5% Movement Speed
+35% Magic Power
+10% CD Reduction
+Significant Passive

Secondly, here are the best items to build Kagura for the late game:

Items Set
late game core build of kagura mobile legends
Clock of Destiny>Arcane Boots>Lightning Truncheon>Genius Wand>Holy Crystal>Divine Glaive
Total Stats of Late Game Core Build
+370 Magic Power
+1000 Mana
+10% CD Reduction
+5% Movement Speed
+20 Magic Penetration
+35% Magic Power
+40 Movement Speed
+500 HP
+40% Magic Penetration
+Significant Passive

Kagura’s Skins & Cosmetics

Here is the list of all the skins of Kagura in Mobile Legends and a brief description of the features you will get from them:

All SkinsSpecial Boost & Features
Onmyouji Master skin
Onmyouji Master
– Default
Flower Season skin
Flower Season
– Magic Power +8
Cherry Witch skin
Cherry Witch
– Holy Witch model!
– Sakura Blossoms Forever display!
– Skill effect changes
– Magic Power +8
Summer Festival skin of kagura
Summer Festival
– Summer-themed scene
– Kingyo Mage
– All-new display animation
– Skill effect changes
– Magic Power +8
Dragon Maiden skin of kagura
Dragon Maiden
– Skin voiceover changes
– Exclusive skill sound effects
– New display scene
– A beautiful dragon maiden who lives in the deep seas!
– All-new display animation
– Brand New Skill Effect
– Magic Power +8
Rainy Walk skin of Kagura
Rainy Walk
– A cute Japanese girl
– All-new display animation
– Brand New Skill Effect
– Magic Power +8
kagura water lily skin mobile legends
Water Lily
– Skin voiceover changes
– Exclusive skill sound effects
– New display scene
– Sweet and elegant water lily!
– All-new display animation
– Brand New Skill Effect
– Magical Power +8
Exorcist Kagura skin mobile legends
Exorcist Kagura
– Random idle and move actions
– Cute and energetic exorcist mantra (Voiceover)
– Clean and sharp Skill sound effects
– Limbo between the living and the dead (Display Animation)
– Exorcist of the Butterfly Spirit Kagura here (Appearance)
– Butterflies pass on my longing to you (Display Animation)
– Butterflies dance as all lives awaken(New Effect)
– Magic Power +8
Beyond the Clouds Kagura skin mobile legends
Beyond the Clouds Kagura
– Voiceover
– Skill Sound
– Display Scene
– A mysterious girl from the ruins, reawakened to protect Aetheria,
– Character Actions
– New Effec
– Magic Power +8
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