Chang'e Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

Chang’e Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

This article will guide you with the best builds, Emblem Sets and Battle Spells of Chang’e in Mobile Legends(Mlbb). Also, here, you will find the Skills, Combo and Skins of Chang’e in MLBB. So, let us continue.


Hero ClassMage
Recommended LaneMid Lane
Control EffectMedium
How to unlockPurchase with 32000 Gold or 599 Diamonds
Chang’e Skill Combos in Mlbb

Use your 2nd skill to shield up first. Then use your 1st skill to slow the enemy and keep poking with your basic attacks for a safe range.
Be in a shielded state using 2nd skill, then use your 1st skill to slow and damage the enemy. Then use your ultimate to deal continuous damage.

Chang’e’s Skills & Abilities

Passive Skill: Trouble Maker
Passive Skill: Trouble Maker
– Each time chang’e deals damage to an enemy, she leaves a mark on them. Each mark increases her next skill damage to the enemy by 2% (up to 40%).
Skill 1st: Starmoon Shockwave
Skill 1st: Starmoon Shockwave
– Chang’e sends an energy sphere in the target direction, dealing 300 (+120% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in its path and slowing them by 20% for 1.5s.
– Crescent Moon: The Crescent Moon sends 4 extra energy spheres along with her, each dealing 20% damage and slowing enemies hit. The slow effect can stack (up to 40%).
Skill 2nd: Crescent Moon
Skill 2nd: Crescent Moon
– Chang’e summons the Crescent Moon, gaining a permanent 300 (+150% Total Magic Power) shield and 10% Movement Speed (that lasts until the shield is destroyed). Each time she casts a skill, she also gains 50% Movement Speed that decays over 2.5s. Crescent Moon also enhances Chang’s skills and allows her Basic Attack to deal 40 (+30% Total Physical Attack)(+70% Total Magic Power) additional Magic Damage.
– Each time she deals Magic Damage with her Basic Attack and skills, the cooldown of this skill is reduced by 0.2s.
Skill 3rd: Meteor Shower
Skill 3rd: Meteor Shower
– Chang’e fire 30 meteors in the target direction over 4s, each dealing 50 (+30% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to the first enemy hit. This skill deals 100% extra damage to minions and creeps. She also gains 10% Movement Speed for the duration.
– Crescent Moon: The Crescent Moon also fires meteors along with Chang’e, each dealing 33% damage.

Recommended Chang’e’s Battle Spells

chang'e best spell
Her ideal spell is either flicker or flameshot.

Recommended Chang’e’s Emblem Build

As an ideal Emblem set for DPS Chang’e, you must use the custom magic Emblem with agility, bargain hunter and lethal ignition. However, to make her late-game mage, pick talents thrill, bargain hunter and impure rage.

chang'e best emblem mobile legeds
Emblem Attributes & Stats
+30 Magic Power
+5% Cooldown Reduction
+8 Magic Penetration

Recommended Chang’e’s Item Builds

Firstly, here is the ideal Mobile Legends(MLBB) items/equipment set for the Chang’e DPS build:

Items Set
chang'e dps build mobile legends
Demon Shoes>Glowing Wand>Ice Queen Wand>Genius Wand>Holy Crystal>Divine Glaive
Total Stats of DPS Build
+40 Movement Speed
+10 Mana Regen
+385 Magic Power
+40% Magic Penetration
+17% Movement Speed
+10 Magic Penetration
+700 HP
+35% Magic Power
+10% Spell Vamp
+Significant Passive

Secondly, here are the best items to build Chang’e for the Late Game:

Items Set
late game core build of chang'e mobile legends
Magic Shoes>Enchanted Talisman>Glowing Wand>Ice Queen Wand>Holy Crystal>Divine Glaive
Total Stats of Late Game Core Build
+360 Magic Power
+40% Magic Penetration
+10% Spell Vamp
+300 HP
+12% Movement Speed
+40 Movement Speed
+30% CD Reduction
+650 HP
+35% Magic Power
+Significant Passive

Note:- Chang’e is a poke mage, and she cannot burst the enemy down, but she’s very good at poking. In the first build, she uses mana boots for the mana, a genius wand, holy crystal and divine glaive. You can also build immortality instead of diving glaive. The second build consists of an enchanted talisman, Holy crystal and divine glaive.

Chang’e’s Skins & Cosmetics

Here is the list of all the skins of Chang’e in Mobile Legends and a brief description of the features you will get from them:

All SkinsSpecial Boost & Features
Moon Palace Immortal skin
Moon Palace Immortal
– Default
Moonstruck skin
– Magic Power +8
chang'e Crimson Moon skin
Crimson Moon
– Devil Born Under the Blood Moon
– All-new display animation
– Magic Power +8
– Skill effect colour changes
Floral Elfo skin
Floral Elfo
– Little Fairy among Flowers
– All-new display animation
– Skin effect changes
– Magic Power +8
Luna Magic skin of chang'e
Luna Magic
– Skin voiceover changes
– New display scene
– Fantastic Cosmic World
– All-new display animation
– Skill effect changes
– Magic Power +8
Strawberry Parfait skin of chang'e mobile legends
Strawberry Parfait
– Girls and Desserts
– All-new display animation
– Skill effect changes
– Magic Power +8
Vine Cradle skin of chang'e
Vine Cradle
– New display scene
– Easter-themed mode!
– Easter Egg display animation
– Skill effect changes
– Mafic Power +8
chang'e Moon Artist skin mobile legends
Moon Artist
– Exclusive custom action, skill icons
– Skin voiceover changes
– New display scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– MLBB X Sanrio characters collaboration
– Magic Power +8
New Moon skin of chang'e
New Moon
– Exclusive skill sound effects
– Lunar Fest-themed scene
– The Goddess of the Moon has descended to celebrate the new year
– All-new display animation
– Skill effect changes
– Magic Power +8
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