Cecilion Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

Cecilion Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

This article will guide you with the best builds, Emblem Set and Battle Spells of Cecilion in Mobile Legends(Mlbb). Also, here, you will find the Skills, Combo and Skins of Cecilion in MLBB. So, let us continue.

About Cecilion

Hero ClassMage
Recommended LaneMid Lane
OffenseExtreme High
Control EffectHigh
How to unlockPurchase with 32000 Gold or 599 Diamonds
Cecilion Combos in Mlbb
Use your 2nd skill first to catch your opponent then use your 1st skill to deal damage.
Use your ultimate to deal damage from a distance using your first skill. When the enemy tries to run away use your second skill to catch them.

Cecilion’s Skills & Abilities

Passive skill: Overflowing
Passive skill: Overflowing
– Cecilion gains 10 extra Max Mana and recovers 10 Mana each time his skill hits an enemy.
Cooldown: 1s.
– He has a higher Max Mana Regen and his skill damage scales with his Max Mana.
Skill 1:Bat Impact
Skill 1:Bat Impact
– Cecilion commands a giant bat to dive at the target location, gaining 30% extra Movement Speed for 1s While dealing 85(+80% Total Magic Power)(+5% Total Mana) extra Magic Damage to enemies in its path and 170(+160% Total Magic Power)(+10% Tota Mana) extra Magic Damage to those near the landing point.
– Each subsequent cast within 6s increases this skill’s Mana cost by 1.8 times(up to 4 stacks).
Skill 2: Sanguine Claws
Skill 2: Sanguine Claws
– Cecilion summons a part of opposing claws at the target location that will clasp together after a short delay, pulling enemies in their paths to the centre while dealing them 200(+45% Total Magic Power)(+1.2% Total Mana) Magic Damage and immobilizing them for 1s.
Skill 3: Bats Feast:
Skill 3: Bats Feast:
– Cecilion unleashes his Demon power, gaining 60% extra Movement Speed (decays over the duration) and slow immunity for 1.5s, he fires 36 bolts of blood energy at nearby enemies, each dealing 35(+8% Total Magic Power)(+0.3% Total Mana) Magic Damage to the enemy hit and slowing them by 3% (up to 30%) for 1s.
– Each bolt also restores 10 plus 1% of Cenilions lost HP for him on hit.
Skill 4: Moonlit waltz
Skill 4: Moonlit waltz
– When Carmilla is nearby, he can summon her to become a Vermil Shadow around him, granting him a 520-800 shield (Scales with Carmila’s level).
– Carmilla can choose to leave him and charge at the target location, gaining an equal shield while dealing 520-800 Magic Damage (Scales with level) to nearby enemies and slowing them by 30% for 1s.

Recommended Cecilion’s Battle Spells

Cecilion best spell
You can use Sprint or Flicker as the ideal spell for him.

Recommended Cecilion’s Emblem Build

As the ideal Emblem set for Cecilion, you must use a custom magic emblem with talents of agility, bargain hunter and lethal ignition. However, to make him hybrid, you must use a custom magic emblem with talents rupture, bargain hunter and impure rage.

Cecilion best emblem mobile legends
Emblem Attributes & Stats
+30 Magic Power
+5% CD Reduction
++8 Magic Penetration

Recommended Cecilion’s Item Builds

Cecilion is a hybrid mage, so even if you build him without many magic items, he will still do damage. There are two ways you can customize him.

Firstly, here is the ideal Mobile Legends(MLBB) items/equipment set for the Cecilion hybrid mage build:

Items Set (Hybrid)
Cecilion Hybrid build Mobile Legends
Demon Shoes>Clock Of Destiny>Lighting Truncheon>Dominance Ice>Immortality>Devine Glaive
(You can also use Athena’s shield if the enemy has a high burst damage mage.)
Stats of Hybrid Build
+40 Movement Speed
+10 Mana Regen
+195 Magic Power
+500 HP
+2300 Mana
+10% CD Reduction
+90 Physical Defense
+5% Movement Speed
+Significant Passive

The second build is called Spam Cecilion, which contains these items:

Items Set
Cecilion Spam build Mobile Legends
Demon Shoes>Clock Of Destiny>Lighting Truncheon>Enchanted Talisman>Immortality>Devine Glaive
Stats of Spam Build
+40 Movement Speed
+10 Mana Regen
+245 Magic Power
+1750 HP
+1000 Mana
+30% CD Reduction
+20 Physical Defense
+Significant Passive

Overall, in both the builds, Clock of Destiny and lightning truncheon are significant.

Cecilion’s Skins & Cosmetics

Here is the list of all the skins of Cecilion in Mobile Legends and a brief description of the features you will get from them:

All SkinsSpecial Boost & Features
Embrace of Night skin
Embrace of Night
– Default
Wisteria Count skin
Wisteria Count
– Magic Power +8
The illusionist skin of cecilion mobile legends
The illusionist
– The noble Magician family
– All-new display animation
– Magic Power +8
– Redesigned Visual Effect for Skills
Phantom Count skin
Phantom Count
– How utterly adorable Appearance
– All-new display animation
– Redesigned Visual Effect for Skills
– Magic Power +8
Stargazer skin
– Starlight-themed scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– Mysterious star diviner style
– Magic Power +8
Cecilion Crimson Wings skin
Crimson Wings
– Random idle and move actions
– Skin voiceover changes
– Exclusive skill sound effects
– New-display scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– Vampire count who is elegant but deadly
– Magic Power +8

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