Valentina Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

Valentina Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

This article will guide you with the best builds, Emblem Sets and Battle Spells of Valentina in Mobile Legends(Mlbb). Also, here, you will find the Skills, Combo and Skins of Valentina in MLBB. So, let us continue.

About Valentina

Hero ClassMage
Recommended LaneMid Lane
Offense Very High
Control EffectHigh
How to unlockPurchase with 32000 Gold or 599 Diamond
Valentina Skill Combos in Mlbb
Use your 1st skill, then use your dash once, then use your 1st skill once more then perform a second dash to once again reset your 1st skill’s cool down.

Valentina’s Skills & Abilities

Passive Skill: Primal Force
Passive Skill: Primal Force
– Valentina gains 8-50 extra EXP each time she deals damage to an enemy hero.
– If the enemy hero’s level isn’t higher than her, 30% of the damage dealt is converted into her HP. The EXP scales with her level.
1st Skill: Shadow Strike
1st Skill: Shadow Strike
– Valentina casts Shadow Strike in the target direction, dealing 300 (+165% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 40% for 1s.

– Enemy heroes hit by Shadow Strike are marked with a Shadow Sigit for 4s and will be terrified for 1s when hit by Shadow Strike again within the duration (a unit can only be terrified once within 4s).
2nd Skill: Arcane Shade
2nd Skill: Arcane Shade
– Valentina Dashes in the target direction, firing 3 Shadow Bolts at nearby enemies that deal 125 (+30% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage each. She can cast this skill again within 6s (costs Mana)

– The CD of Shadow Strike is reduced by 1s each time a Shadow Bolt hits an enemy.
3rd Skill: I Am You
3rd Skill: I Am You
– Valentina slows the target enemy hero by 70% for 0.5s and gains the ability to cast her ULT. Casting the enemy’s ULT turns her into the enemy hero’s form and allows her to inherit their Basic Attack type for up to 12s. Her skills remain unchanged unless the enemy’s ULT has a Morph effect.

– The stolen ULT’s level will be equal to her ULT level and the CD will be 120% of the target’s CD (but no lower than 10s). She gains (100% Total Magic Power) Physical Attack for the duration if the enemy is a Physical Damage hero. This cannot be used on an enemy Valentina.

Recommended Valentina’s Battle Spells

valentina best spell
Flicker is the ideal spell for her.

Recommended Valentina’s Emblem Build

As an ideal emblem set for Hybrid Valentina, you must use the custom magic emblem with talents agility, bargain hunter and impure rage. However, if you want to make her late-game powerful mage, you should use the custom magic emblem with talents inspire, bargain hunter and impure rage.

Emblem Attributes & Stats
+30 Magic Power
+5% CD Reduction
+8 Magic Penetration

Recommended Valentina’s Item Builds

Firstly, here is the ideal Mobile Legends(MLBB) items/equipment set for the Valentina (Hybrid) Sustained DPS build:

Items Set
Valentina sustained dps build mobile legends
Magic Shoes>Enchanted Talisman>Clock of Destiny>Lightning Truncheon>Oracle>Immortality
(You can use Dominance Ice if necessary for anti-healing.)
Total Stats of Sustained DPS Build
+40 Movement Speed
+50% CD Reduction
+185 Magic Power
+2400 HP
+1000 Mana
+42 Magic Defense
+20 Physical Defense
+Significant Passive

Secondly, here are the best late-game high-damage build items for Valentina:

Items Set
late game core build of valentina mobile legends
Magic Shoes>Enchanted Talisman>Clock of Destiny>Lightning Truncheon>Divine Glaive>Holy Crystal
Total Stats of Late Game Core Build
+345 Magic Power
+750 HP
+1000 Mana
+40% Magic Penetration
+40% CD
+35% Magic Power
+40 Movement Speed
+Significant Passive

Note:- Her core items for both builds are the Lightning truncheon, Clock of Destiny and Enchanted talisman.

Valentina’s Skins & Cosmetics

Here is the list of all the skins of Valentina in Mobile Legends and a brief description of the features you will get from them:

All SkinsSpecial Boost & Features
Prophetess of the Night of Valentina
Prophetess of the Night
– Default
Twilight Charmer skin
Twilight Charmer
– Magic Power +8
Archmagister skin of valentina
– Soldiers of House Paxley, follow my command! APPEARANCE
– All-new display animation
– Magic Power +8
– Redesigned Visual Effect for Skills
valentina Cyber Agent skin mobile legends
Cyber Agent
– Starlight-themed scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– Decoding information
– Magic Power +8
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