Beatrix Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

Beatrix Mobile Legends | Builds, Skills, Emblem, Spell & Skins

This article will guide you with the best builds, Emblem Sets and Battle Spells of Beatrix Mobile Legends(Mlbb). Also, here, you will find the Skills, Combo and Skins of Beatrix in MLBB. So, let us continue.

About Beatrix

Hero ClassMarksman
Recommended LaneGold Lane
Control EffectLow
How to unlockPurchase with 32000 Gold or 599 Diamonds
Beatrix Skill Combos
Equip your submachine gun. Use your basic attacks to make the enemy low. Use your 2nd skill to dash near the enemy and use your ultimate. If the enemy runs change into sniper and use your ultimate to snipe the enemy.
With your sub-machine gun deal damage to the enemy. Change into your shotgun, then dash using 2nd skill. Then use your ultimate.

Beatrix’s Skills & Abilities

Passive Skill: Mechanical Genius
Passive Skill: Mechanical Genius
– Her extraordinary talent in the field of mechanics allowed Beatrix to produce 4 weapons of truly awe-inspiring firepower.
– Renner Basic Attack-Longshot: Fire a powerful shot in the enemy’s current direction, dealing (365% Total Physical Attack) (400% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first target hit (this shot can be dodged, and blocked by others). Deals 75% damage to creeps.
– She cannot crit and converts every 1% Critical chance gained into Physical Attack.
1st Skill: Masterful Gunner
1st Skill: Masterful Gunner
– Passive: Beatrix can carry 2 weapons at once, and increase her Physical Attack by 5.
– Active: Beatrix takes 0.5s to swap her primary weapon with the secondary she has slung over her back, gaining and all new way to attack and ultimate.
2nd Skill: Tactical Reposition
2nd Skill: Tactical Reposition
– Beatrix rolls forward while fully reloading her current weapon.
3rd Skill: Renner's Apathy
3rd Skill: Renner’s Apathy
– Beatrix Calmy sets up Renner on the battlefield and takes aim. When releasing the skill, she deals 700 (+280% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit.
– She can aim for up to 8s, and she cancels it early to reduce the CD by 50%.
– This shot can penetrate Minions and only deals 75% damage to non-hero units.
4th Skill: Need Backup
4th Skill: Need Backup
– Having escaped battle for 3s, Beatrix can call for her butler Morgan to provide her with a backup weapon crate.
– She must then choose two from the crate to serve as her primary and secondary weapons. Her weapon selection is interrupted if she commits any action or is controlled during this period.

Recommended Beatrix’s Battle Spells

beatrix spell
The only ideal spell for her is Flicker.

Recommended Beatrix’s Emblem Build

As an ideal emblem set for Beatrix, use the custom marksman emblem with the talents agility, weapons master and killing spree. It works well for Full damage. However, for the DPS build, you can use the Custom Assassin emblem with talents Swift, Bargain Hunter and Killing Spree.

Beatrix best emblem mobile legends
Emblem Attributes & Stats
+15% Attack Speed
+5% Adaptive Attack
+5% Lifesteal

Recommended Beatrix’s Item Builds

Firstly, here is the ideal Mobile Legends(MLBB) items/equipment set for the Beatrix Sustained DPS Build:

Items Set
beatrix build mobile legends
Tough Boots>Haa’s Claws>Hunter Strike>Blade of Despair>Melafic Roar>Brute Force Breastplate
Total Stats of Sustain DPS Build
+40 Movement Speed
+22 Magic Defense
+330 Physical Attack
+20% Attack Speed
+20% Crit Chance
+25% Lifesteal
+20% CD Reduction
+15 Physical Penetration
+5% Movement Speed
+20% Physical Penetration
+600 HP
+30 Physical Defense
+Significant Passive

Secondly, here are the best items for the Full Damage build of Beatrix with Attack Speed Effect:

Items Set
beatrix sustained DPS Build mobile legends
Swift Boots>Blade of Despaier>Wind of Nature>Malefic Roar>Haas’ Claws>Hunter Strike
Total Stats of Attack Speed Effect Build
+40 Movement Speed
+55% Attack Speed
+20% Crit Chance
+35% Lifesteal
+10% CD Reduction
+15 Physical Penetration
+5% Movement Speed
+360 Physical Attack
+20% Physical Penetration
+Significant Passive

Beatrix’s Skins & Cosmetics

Here is the list of all the skins of Beatrix in Mobile Legends and a brief description of the features you will get from them:

All SkinsSpecial Boost & Features
Dawnbreak Soldier skin
Dawnbreak Soldier
– Default
X Factor skin
X Factor
– Physical Attack +8
Blitz Attack skin
Blitz Attack
– A High Tech Modern Shooter
– All-new display animation
– Physical Attack +8
– Skill effect changes
beatrix Space Agent skin mobile legends
Space Agent
– StarLight Themed Scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– Space agent ready for action!
– Physical Attack +8
light chaser skin
Light Chaser
– Random idle and move action
– Exclusive background music
– Skin voiceover changes
– Exclusive skill sound effects
– New display scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– M4 Exclusive skin of Beatrix
-Physical Attack +8
Stellar Brilliance skin of beatrix mobile legends
Stellar Brilliance
– Random idle and move actions
– Exclusive background music, skill animation, Skill sound effects and trail effect
– Skin voiceover changes
– New display scene
– Skill effect changes
– All-new display animation
– A girl that has transcended to the stars.
– Physical Attack +8
– Prime Skin
Vibrant Fiesta skin
Vibrant Fiesta
– A celebration of spirituality, culture and tradition
– All-new display animation
– Display effect changes
– Physical Attack +8

Similarly, here is the Sacred Statue of Beatrix:

(Note:- Scared Statues can only be summoned in Classic, Ranked or Custom(5v5). The Summon CD is 5 Minutes and the Star-Rising Points Bonus is +5)

Racing heart Mobile legends
Racing Heart
Beam of Hope
Beam of Hope
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